BSRE Asking $100/SF for Strip District Office Penthouse

NAI Burns Scalo | March 2, 2022

Burns Scalo Real Estate is once again leading the way in elevating the Pittsburgh office product and, by doing so, is pulling office market rents up as they climb.

In a statement, James Scalo, CEO, Burns Scalo Real Estate, said, “The Vision on Fifteenth is the first trophy office tower of its size, kind, and in Pittsburgh’s hottest location.”

“To date, we have not experienced a ceiling on rents for our newest office developments. Tenants are ‘trading up’ and generally taking less square footage, and we are okay with this trend.”

“Pittsburgh offers a diverse talent pool with an extraordinary quality of life. “We fully intend to attract a global company to Pittsburgh.”

As C-suite executives locally and across the U.S. are eager to get employees back into the office, “They recognize that to compete, the office must be ‘a magnet, not a mandate.’ They are rethinking their office strategy to provide the amenities and experiences employees demand.”

Located at Smallman and 15th, The Vision provides clients with convenient bicycle and pedestrian connections to and from downtown and the Strip District. Its private tenant terraces with views of the Strip District and City, engaging public art, and on-site integrated covered parking put The Vision in high demand.

Inside, The Vision boasts a private fitness facility, conference center, and countless concierge services, including a dry-cleaning valet, restaurant and hotel reservation arrangements, and bike rental.

Employees will not need to travel far for lunch meetings and post-work entertainment. The Vision will be home to experiential dining and entertainment options, like Charlotte-based PUTTERY — a modern spin on mini-golf that offers an immersive experience unlike any other. From competitive socializing to curated culinary options and inventive craft beer and cocktails.

Scott DiGuglielmo, Vice President of Brokerage, Burns Scalo Real Estate, stated, “We’re reaching leasing milestones with this building. We’re attracting tenants willing to pay top dollar for its unrivaled design and unmatched convenience.”

“We’re reaching leasing milestones with this building. We’re attracting tenants willing to pay top dollar for its unrivaled design and unmatched convenience.”

Scott DiGuglielmo, VP of Brokerage

“The Strip District is alive, and people are ready to live again,” stated Pamela Austin, Brand Ambassador, Burns Scalo Real Estate. The mix of living, dining, and entertainment options on-site and nearby are endless, making this the place to be. Everything is leasing or selling in the strip at record prices.”