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Property ManagementJanitorial Services

One of our many learnings during COVID – 19 was that office tenants truly appreciate a clean and healthy building. We began our day porter service in 2020 by wiping down high touch areas and disinfecting throughout our buildings. As a result of how well this program was received, this team has grown leaps and bounds over the last four years and is capable of handling any janitorial needs that you may have.

Day Porter Service

Our day porter staff understands the importance of keeping our buildings clean and keeping our clients happy. They strive to ensure that even the smallest of details are done right each and every day. From mopping the lobby, to emptying the wastebasket, to making sure each soap dispenser is filled, they will give the building and the customer the attention that is deserved. Because our staff interacts with building clients throughout the workday; we also equip them with professional customer service training techniques so you will be sure to see a smiling face who is always ready to help.

Floor Scrubbing & Waxing

What is it they say about only having one chance to make a first impression? As you enter a building, the floor is likely the first thing that most people focus on. Our team is trained on how to properly wax and buff a floor so that it looks shiny and new all the time. Performing this added service once per month not only extends the life of the floor, but also leaves a lasting impression.

Carpet Cleaning

Let’s face it; spills happen; especially those annoying coffee stains. Our team is capable of performing a spot clean immediately after a spill occurs or a full carpet extraction that can restore the carpet to looking new again. Every employee wants to work in an office that feels new, fresh and clean. An annual carpet cleaning is an easy and inexpensive way to provide that satisfaction.

Final Construction Cleans

While construction workers are highly skilled individuals in their respective trades, they are normally not tidy, neat and orderly. Our construction cleaning crew alleviates that concern. They will work with Project Managers to devise a cleaning schedule that best aligns with the overall project and ensures a clean, safe working environment for all those involved.

At NAI Burns Scalo, we take pride in our holistic approach to property management. Employers are always looking for that competitive edge; what makes their company better than the competition. An office building with the latest amenities certainly goes a long way in attracting top talent and making them happy, but we also know that today’s employees want to work in an environment that they can feel good about. A building that is sustainable, clean and overall healthy is what we strive for NAI Burns Scalo. We recognize the importance of a satisfied, productive employee and the resulting positive impact to an organization thereby underscoring the fact that building wellness matters! 

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