Burns Scalo Nominated as Best Place to Work for Fourth Straight Year

NAI Burns Scalo | November 9, 2022

Burns Scalo is excited to share that it has been nominated by the Pittsburgh Business Times as a finalist for the fourth consecutive year in the publication’s annual Best Places to Work ranking. BSRE is nominated alongside 15 other local companies in the large category, which BSRE placed first in just last year.

More from the Pittsburgh Business Times:

The winners of the 2022 Best Places to Work have been announced. Companies were judged based on an online employee survey earlier this year, conducted by Quantum Workplace on a variety of factors ranging from employee job satisfaction to salary satisfaction to perspectives on management.

Companies were also divided into four categories based on the number of employees working in western Pennsylvania. Here are the winners…listed alphabetically:

There are 16 companies in the large category. They are:



Burns Scalo Real Estate

Carnegie Robotics

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Pittsburgh Inc.

Connors Group


ECHO Realty

Filtech Inc.

HUB International

LGA Partners LP

Literacy Pittsburgh

Louis Plung & Co. LLP

Rosedale Technical College


Total Quality Logistics

The lists announced this week are alphabetical. The rankings will be announced at an event in early 2023.