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Development & ConstructionBuild To Suit

Our build-to-suit projects redefine the real estate experience by shouldering the financial burdens and risks associated with development, allowing you to focus on your business’s core objectives. We tailor every detail to meet the exact needs of our clients, ensuring custom-designed commercial spaces that exceed expectations and foster success.

Property & Site Selection

With a fully integrated brokerage division at the core of our business, our talented development staff will work in concert with the brokerage team to find and evaluate sites that meet your needs and criteria.

Due Diligence

Our full-service development staff will recommend, hire, and manage the necessary consultants to evaluate the feasibility of a property from various levels, including but not limited to:  conceptual design, zoning, utility availability, geotechnical, ecological, environmental, etc.

Design & Permitting

Early planning is the foundation for a successful project.  Our talented construction team will participate in design team selection and work shoulder to shoulder with the architect and engineers throughout the design process.  From day one, our team is engaged in scheduling, pricing, visualization, constructability reviews, and understanding every detail of the project.

Budgeting & Bidding

Our team will lead and participate in all of the site/civil and architectural design meetings, providing snapshot budgeting at critical milestones, to give the client a comfort level of the costs before the project is put out to bid.  Once the design documents are 100%, we will bid the project to our extensive prequalified bidders list and share the results with the client in a completely open book and transparent fashion.  Our builders are engaged alongside our preconstruction experts to ensure we’re poised for success before we break ground.


Our onsite construction team will work tirelessly and intentionally to earn the trust of our clients by delivering exceptional experiences.  You can expect incredible communication to keep you informed of the challenges and solutions as well as the construction progress.


When it’s time to cut the ribbon and turn over the keys, its just the end of the beginning.  We take time to celebrate our shared accomplishments, but our in-house property management team is poised to take over and maintain your property for years to come.  Rest assured, the end of the construction project is just the beginning of our relationship.

As your dedicated partner, we guide you through every phase of the process, from land acquisition to design and construction, ensuring your vision is realized seamlessly. Through our build-to-suit program, we take care of land acquisition and construction, leasing the property back to you upon completion.

Additionally, we actively seek opportunities to enhance your property’s value by developing adjacent or nearby land for complementary retail spaces, driving foot traffic to your business. We specialize in single-tenant buildings, pre-leased or speculative multi-tenant buildings, and retail centers to provide a complimentary mixed-use atmosphere.

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